Wednesday, July 6, 2011



I saw this today while I was reading Blogs and it really reminded me of my run last night! I was suppose to do a 4 mile run and I just didnt have it in me. No matter how deep I dug! I have never quit in the middle of a run. If I have to slow down, walk, lightly jog.....whatever I have to do, I finish. But last night I felt like I hit a wall! I was thinking to myself...Geez....this is ONLY 4 miles (never thought I would say that to myself) but this 4 miles was giving me a run for my money! I ended up just stopping and calling it quits after 2.5 miles. I'm not use to running on a treadmill so I wonder if that had anything to do with it....humm..not really sure. I just know that my shins where hurting, I couldnt control my breathing, and I was sweating like a stuck pig! So I took a shower, put some ice packs on my shins, and went to bed! All better today! Maybe 4 miles will be nicer to me tomorrow!

On a different girlies are coming home this weekend! I miss them so much! They stay with their dad during the month of July every year. Where it is an inviting the same time it is just plain torture! They have been gone for 10 days! Below is what makes my life complete!

 My beautiful full of life children!
 My silly crazy husband!
My life!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

7 miles

I made it through 7 miles this past Saturday! It was a rough one! I struggled on the last mile. There is something about the sun beating down on my that just makes my heart rate shoot up and I seem to not be able to control my breathing! However......I made it through it and that is all that matters at this point! :) I think I mentioned before that I bought a hydration back pack and did not like it. No matter how much air I tried to squeeze out of it before a run, I still had to fight air pockets as I'm panting and gasping for water! It was wayyy too much of a fight for only two or three drops here and there. So I decided to leave the back pack to the hikers and bikers! So I bought a hydration belt instead. I cant say that I enjoyed that experiance too much either. I still have bruises around my waist and a sore on my back from the belt rubbing me raw! It didnt really bother me much until about my 4th mile. Thats when the pain set it. If I loosened it, it would flap around everywhere; if I tightened it, it hurt the places that already had injury even more. Needless to say, I still had the receipt and took it back immediately after my shower!! I have decided to just get a hand held water bottle! I do not think there is much of a chance that it will cause bruising, abrasions, or pose a need to fight for the contents within it!
I also bought a stationary bicycle, elliptical, and a new treadmill over the weekend! Very excited about haveing more availability to get quick cross training sessions in! Now maybe my "I cant run" husband will be able to do workouts with me!
Over and out for now.....will be back post-8mile!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Been a WHILE!

Ok, so it's only been  about 7 months since my last post.......did I mention I stay really busy!?!? Since my last post my husband, myself, and all 3 kids have had birthdays...the house has been completed.....and wait for it.....we even adopted a dog! Yes....a dog! Like I dont have enough to take care of as it is! LOL! 
Meet Blue! We adopted him from a foster home. He was rescued from a high kill shelter the day he was suppose to be put down....thank the Lord, he was meant for this family!
Our Home...minus grass and flowerbeds (yes, I have now been living there for 4 whole months and have STILL failed to update pictures!

There is yet another fine little new piece about me since I last blogged! I have decided to run a half marathon in September! 

This is exactly what I say to myself each week I increase my mileage!

Now, I have only been running for about a year now and I use that very lightly! Before I started training for the half the most I ever ran was 3 miles (there may have been a 4 miler one day but cant really say for sure). Before training, I would be lucky to find time to run 1 day a week between work, my six year old tball, my 12 year old softball,  my husbands mens softball league, and my kids social lives! Seems like everyday was always filled with someone else's activity. So on May 30th I decided to start a 12 week training program.

I have managed to make time for myself for each run. Sometimes I have to get up at 4:30 in the morning or dont get out until 9 oclock at night but I get it done! I up to my 7 mile run coming this Saturday!   
 (please pray! eek!)  

I have learned alot about myself during training so patience, endurance, determination have all been tested and I know it's only going to get harder. However I love the challenge and if it means keeping me fit and healthy then I'm all for it! A friend once told me..."If it were easy, everyone would do it" That is so true and I just look forward to the sense of accomplishment I will have when I cross that finish line!

I am also learning so much "runner" stuff! Jelly Beans, GU Gel, Hydration packs, Tips, Tricks, Clothing, Shoes, what not to do, what you should do.....and so forth!

I intend on posting my progress of my training, of all the dogs that chase me, of the ups and downs, what works, what doesnt work, good runs, bad runs and all that shinanigans!

I have my 7 miler coming up this Saturday so I will post the joys of that run if I make it through! LOL! jk I WILL make it through! wink wink!

Later Tator!

Ps....I will also update the new house pic too (eventually ;) )

Monday, November 8, 2010


Ok, so the past few weeks have been a little crrraaaazzzzy! My wonderful love and I celebrated 3 magnificent years together and every night was a Halloween celebration! About a week has past and I have been able to recoup my sanity! Every year we have made it a ritual to go to Shogun for our anniversary with the kids. Most people like to spend their anniversary only with their significant other but we, on the other hand, celebrate as a family because that is the day we became a family.

As I mentioned, that week we also had fun with the whole Halloween thing! One night we went to an Alternative Haunted House called Twisted Fate. This was a very big eye opener and made you take a step back and take another look at your relationship with God. I was internally saved again that night and thank the good Lord everyday for the many blessings he has given me. 

Kelsey's school puts on a Fall Festival every year which also took up a night  and we attempted to take Kayleigh to her first haunted corn maze. (Of which she begggged to go to!) She brought friends (pictured below) in hopes that would push her to face her fear.......Needless to say, the clown had to go ahead of us after we spent half an hour coaxing her to tell the other clowns to take off their mask and put down the chainsaws! We can mark that one off our list for next year! 

Bean wasn't too happy about us waking him up at the sitters house to bring him home!

Then we have the big day! Halloween! Dressing up, trick or treating, getting all the neighborhood kids together! It was so much fun!!  
Here is my Dead School Girl

And then we have the mermaid
And who do we have to put out the fires???

I just love the cool fall air, hayrides, and great friends! Things may have been chaotic at times but I think this will be a Halloween all of the kids will remember!

We also attended another fall festival the following night to wrap up our jam packed week!

Now to rewind a bit, wow, it has been a while since I blogged!

My kindergartner  had her first field trip a couple of weeks ago! We went to a Barnyard! Yay Me!!! I loved it though! She is growing up so fast! 

She has the cutest lil group of friends and a handsome boyfriend too!

I think they were a little bit shy! She loves her teacher!

It is so amazing to watch her become her own person! I love lil miss priss!

And to wrap this lovely Aunt came to visit me too! She was on her way to Tampa, FL. She has lived in Kansas for 20 or so years but just decided to pick up and move to the sunshine state! It's all good for me though......I get a better vacation spot now!!!

Well, that's about all I have time for today! The brick is starting on our house today so hopefully I will have an update about our progress soon!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So our retirement home is now ready for a roof! Yay! It's moving along so quickly but at the same time it feels like it is taking FOREVER! Anyone with me on that!?!? I am now starting to enter into the world of making decisions!  Everything up until this point has been who is going to do what and when. Now it is my job to make it look like a home! Time to pick out bricks, paint color, cabinets, light fixtures, faucets..........I'm not a good decision maker. I get frustrated when my husband makes be pick between Burger King or McDonalds.

So today I discovered how much I hate picking out brick! Seriously!? Why have so many choices? Just throw two different styles in front of me and tell me that is all I have to choose from! I can live with that. (Unless I hate them both) LOL! So I have narrowed it down to six...and now that I have the six, I'm not even sure I like them! I need God to grant me the ability to visualize......just over the next few months. Wonder if that would be possible? Hummmmm! :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

New to Blogging

Ok, I'm co-worker (and beloved friend) convinced me....and even done half the work! Thanks Erin :) All smiles! So I am here to venture out into blog nation. My husband and I are building our retirement home and it will hopefully be completed by May, FINGERS CROSSED! Hehe!

I have been married now for almost 3 amazing years. This man is truly my circus partner! He can tame the lions and herd the cattle! I couldn't imagine this journey without him. Step by step, day by day!

I have 3 insanely sweet, rotten, smart, stress causing children! I am so super lucky. Wink Wink! Oldest, Kayleigh is at that lovely ripe age of TWEEN! Jesus help us all! Why don't children come with warning labels?!? Just askin'

Then we have the lovely middle child! She is just wicked sassy and LOVES to act innocent.........and then we have the BABY, he is the cutest bundle of devil that you will ever see..........

All 3 make up every inch of who I am, who I want to be, and who I will become!

And so I bring you the story of our bliss! I've never been much of a writer to bare with me! Until next time...........