Monday, November 8, 2010


Ok, so the past few weeks have been a little crrraaaazzzzy! My wonderful love and I celebrated 3 magnificent years together and every night was a Halloween celebration! About a week has past and I have been able to recoup my sanity! Every year we have made it a ritual to go to Shogun for our anniversary with the kids. Most people like to spend their anniversary only with their significant other but we, on the other hand, celebrate as a family because that is the day we became a family.

As I mentioned, that week we also had fun with the whole Halloween thing! One night we went to an Alternative Haunted House called Twisted Fate. This was a very big eye opener and made you take a step back and take another look at your relationship with God. I was internally saved again that night and thank the good Lord everyday for the many blessings he has given me. 

Kelsey's school puts on a Fall Festival every year which also took up a night  and we attempted to take Kayleigh to her first haunted corn maze. (Of which she begggged to go to!) She brought friends (pictured below) in hopes that would push her to face her fear.......Needless to say, the clown had to go ahead of us after we spent half an hour coaxing her to tell the other clowns to take off their mask and put down the chainsaws! We can mark that one off our list for next year! 

Bean wasn't too happy about us waking him up at the sitters house to bring him home!

Then we have the big day! Halloween! Dressing up, trick or treating, getting all the neighborhood kids together! It was so much fun!!  
Here is my Dead School Girl

And then we have the mermaid
And who do we have to put out the fires???

I just love the cool fall air, hayrides, and great friends! Things may have been chaotic at times but I think this will be a Halloween all of the kids will remember!

We also attended another fall festival the following night to wrap up our jam packed week!

Now to rewind a bit, wow, it has been a while since I blogged!

My kindergartner  had her first field trip a couple of weeks ago! We went to a Barnyard! Yay Me!!! I loved it though! She is growing up so fast! 

She has the cutest lil group of friends and a handsome boyfriend too!

I think they were a little bit shy! She loves her teacher!

It is so amazing to watch her become her own person! I love lil miss priss!

And to wrap this lovely Aunt came to visit me too! She was on her way to Tampa, FL. She has lived in Kansas for 20 or so years but just decided to pick up and move to the sunshine state! It's all good for me though......I get a better vacation spot now!!!

Well, that's about all I have time for today! The brick is starting on our house today so hopefully I will have an update about our progress soon!

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