Thursday, June 30, 2011

Been a WHILE!

Ok, so it's only been  about 7 months since my last post.......did I mention I stay really busy!?!? Since my last post my husband, myself, and all 3 kids have had birthdays...the house has been completed.....and wait for it.....we even adopted a dog! Yes....a dog! Like I dont have enough to take care of as it is! LOL! 
Meet Blue! We adopted him from a foster home. He was rescued from a high kill shelter the day he was suppose to be put down....thank the Lord, he was meant for this family!
Our Home...minus grass and flowerbeds (yes, I have now been living there for 4 whole months and have STILL failed to update pictures!

There is yet another fine little new piece about me since I last blogged! I have decided to run a half marathon in September! 

This is exactly what I say to myself each week I increase my mileage!

Now, I have only been running for about a year now and I use that very lightly! Before I started training for the half the most I ever ran was 3 miles (there may have been a 4 miler one day but cant really say for sure). Before training, I would be lucky to find time to run 1 day a week between work, my six year old tball, my 12 year old softball,  my husbands mens softball league, and my kids social lives! Seems like everyday was always filled with someone else's activity. So on May 30th I decided to start a 12 week training program.

I have managed to make time for myself for each run. Sometimes I have to get up at 4:30 in the morning or dont get out until 9 oclock at night but I get it done! I up to my 7 mile run coming this Saturday!   
 (please pray! eek!)  

I have learned alot about myself during training so patience, endurance, determination have all been tested and I know it's only going to get harder. However I love the challenge and if it means keeping me fit and healthy then I'm all for it! A friend once told me..."If it were easy, everyone would do it" That is so true and I just look forward to the sense of accomplishment I will have when I cross that finish line!

I am also learning so much "runner" stuff! Jelly Beans, GU Gel, Hydration packs, Tips, Tricks, Clothing, Shoes, what not to do, what you should do.....and so forth!

I intend on posting my progress of my training, of all the dogs that chase me, of the ups and downs, what works, what doesnt work, good runs, bad runs and all that shinanigans!

I have my 7 miler coming up this Saturday so I will post the joys of that run if I make it through! LOL! jk I WILL make it through! wink wink!

Later Tator!

Ps....I will also update the new house pic too (eventually ;) )

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