Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So our retirement home is now ready for a roof! Yay! It's moving along so quickly but at the same time it feels like it is taking FOREVER! Anyone with me on that!?!? I am now starting to enter into the world of making decisions!  Everything up until this point has been who is going to do what and when. Now it is my job to make it look like a home! Time to pick out bricks, paint color, cabinets, light fixtures, faucets..........I'm not a good decision maker. I get frustrated when my husband makes be pick between Burger King or McDonalds.

So today I discovered how much I hate picking out brick! Seriously!? Why have so many choices? Just throw two different styles in front of me and tell me that is all I have to choose from! I can live with that. (Unless I hate them both) LOL! So I have narrowed it down to six...and now that I have the six, I'm not even sure I like them! I need God to grant me the ability to visualize......just over the next few months. Wonder if that would be possible? Hummmmm! :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! You crack me up! It's like I can hear you saying all of this! The brick you have narrowed it down to is beautiful. Let me know which one you like the most after the drive-by's.
